Senate Presses Fed Transparency, Accountability

Responding in part to testimony earlier this week (see Client Report REFORM217), Sens. Tillis (R-NC), Warren (D-MA), and seven colleagues have introduced legislation (S. 1160) to bring Federal Reserve Banks under the FOIA and force greater responsiveness to Congress – a response also to last year’s battle over master-account data and continuing crypto controversies.  The measure would also mandate an independent IG, force the Fed to respond to Congressional ethics inquiries, and allow Senate Banking and HFSC bipartisan leadership to review confidential supervisory data.  Sen. Tillis and three other Republicans also introduced S. 1155 to redesign the Fed.

Senate Dems Implicitly Chide Administration Reg-Reform Agenda, Demand Holistic Assessment

Following one of the somewhat surprising lines of inquiry at Senate Banking’s SVB hearing, Senate Banking Chairman Brown (D-OH) and all the Committee Democrats today pressed back against the list of rules the White House yesterday prioritized for rewrites.  While they did not take issue with that list, they also want FSOC to undertake a holistic review of banking, consumer, and systemic rules, noting the importance in this effort of also protecting small banks from undue harm.  The senators expressly want FSOC to go beyond the President’s focus on what they call “traditional” prudential standards also to examine non-quantifiable risks such as social media and AI.
