Investment Adviser Custody
January 29, 2010

  • SEC final rules to promote the use of independent custodians by investment advisers.

Credit-Score Notices
FSM Report: FCRA27
January 28, 2010

  • FRB, FDIC final rule on notice requirements for creditors if risk-based pricing derived from credit scores results in consumer borrowing costs that are materially higher than the most favorable terms generally available.

Global Liquidity-Risk Management Standards
January 27, 2010

  • Basel Committee consultative paper to impose two new ratios to assess how liquid banking organizations are and how well they can withstand severe short- and long-term stress.

Compensation-Related FDIC Premiums

January 25, 2010

  • FDIC ANPR outlining ways that compensation practices could be reflected in the risk assessments that determine deposit-insurance premiums.

Interest-Rate Risk Management
FSM Report: IRR4
January 22, 201

  • Banking Agencies’ guidance that banks must not only manage interest-rate risk, but also take action to ensure emerging problems are anticipated and corrected.

Global Regulatory-Capital Rules-Procyclicality/Capital Conservation
FSM Report: CAPITAL161
January 15, 2010

  • Basel Committee’s consultative paper on changes designed to reduce the procyclical implications of the current capital regime and ensure that banks conserve capital when stress occurs.

Global Regulatory-Capital Rules-Leverage Standards
FSM Report: CAPITAL160
January 14, 2010

  • Basel Committee’s consultative paper rewriting global regulatory-capital requirements that assesses the leverage standard.

Global Regulatory-Capital Rules
FSM Report: CAPITAL159
January 13, 2010

  • Basel Committee’s consultative paper that would change the capital requirements assigned to an array of on-and off-balance sheet obligations.

Global Regulatory-Capital Rules
FSM Report: CAPITAL158
January 12, 2010

  • Basel Committee’s consultative paper reforming global capital standards.

Global Regulatory-Capital Rules
FSM Report: CAPITAL157
January 11, 2010

  • Basel Committee’s consultative paper that would lead to wholesale revision of the current global regulatory-capital system.

Proxy Disclosures
January 6, 2010

  • SEC final rule to increase proxy disclosures of compensation practices, director qualifications and board leadership structure.

FDIC Claim on Asset-Backed Securities
FSM Report: ABS9
December 24, 2009

  • Advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the treatment by the FDIC as conservator or receiver of financial assets transferred by an insured depository institution in connection with a securitization or participation after March 2010.

Consolidation Capital Requirements
FSM Report: CAPITAL155
December 21, 2009

  • Bank Regulators’ final revision to the regulatory-capital rules that will require both leverage and risk-based capital reflecting new standards that require consolidation of positions that were previously off bank balance sheets.

Commercial Real Estate Workouts
November 5, 2009

  • FRB, FDIC, OCC, OTS, NCUA policy statement on prudent commercial real estate loan workouts.