5 08, 2024

Karen Petrou: How to Craft Federal Preemption Policy

2024-08-05T09:12:59-04:00August 5th, 2024|The Vault|

In a recent interview, Zach Warmbrodt of Politico asked me the best big-picture question when it comes to federal preemption:  are banks now so petrified of state anti-ESG mandates that a federal law laying out with whom banks may do business is desirable?  Banks don’t want anyone telling them how to run their businesses, but workable federal rules are, so the thinking goes, better than high-risk state standards such as Florida’s new requirements.  Fears are heightened by the OCC’s hesitancy when it comes to preempting Florida, but the agency is now contending with new restrictions thanks to recent Supreme Court rulings and federal preemption still wouldn’t solve the state-bank predicament.  A federal bill might clear these legal issues away, but a sound bill would still have to reckon with complex policy decisions no prior effort to draft preemption bills has conquered.

Indeed, legislative and regulatory efforts to date have been far more ideological than operational.  The ESG battles first broke into open warfare during the Obama Administration when the banking agencies issued warnings about lending to payday companies, firearms-related businesses, and a couple of other targets.  This campaign came to be known as Operation Chokepoint and, even though all of the agencies quickly backed away, it lives on – see Donald Trump’s promise to end “chokepoint 2.0.”

Things heated up again late in the last decade after BlackRock issued a pro-climate edict when it came to casting its proxies and a few big banks curtailed lending to firearms manufacturers and …

14 06, 2022

FedFin On: U.S. Digital-Asset Framework

2023-01-27T15:30:30-05:00June 14th, 2022|The Vault|

After protracted negotiations and much public attention, bipartisan senators have introduced a far-reaching bill designed to encourage digital-asset use without undue risk to consumers, investors, or the financial system.  The bill decides most, if not all, of the outstanding regulatory barriers to digital-asset use in favor of digital assets and their providers.  Provisions in many cases go farther than public discussion has so far noted – for example, the measure not only expands the ability of digital-asset providers to reach retail and wholesale customers, but also gives them access to FDIC resolution without the cost of paying insurance premiums or coming under many of the rules that govern insured depositories…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

6 01, 2022

Analysis of AML/CFT Regulatory Reform

2023-04-25T15:45:12-04:00January 6th, 2022|The Vault|

As the banking industry has long hoped and Congress last year directed,1 FinCEN is beginning to develop a new policy framework prioritizing ways to make anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) regulation more risk-based. FinCEN is taking the opportunity of its request for information (RFI) also to seek views on ways to modernize AML/CFT standards, make them more efficient, ensure adherence to global protocols, and toughen rules where necessary to protect national security. Last year’s law required Treasury to enhance law enforcement and submit a report on AML/CFT….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

18 11, 2021

FedFin on: Omarova Nomination Threatened

2023-05-25T16:01:16-04:00November 18th, 2021|The Vault|

As expected, today’s hearing with Comptroller-nominee Saule Omarova included an unprecedented amount of fireworks for what is normally a low profile appointment.  In this report, we omit analysis of the debate on Ms. Omarova’s origins and alleged Marxism, instead assessing policy issues germane should Ms. Omarova succeed in what seems an increasingly difficult confirmation.  Notably, moderate Democrats such as Sens. Tester (D-MT) and Warner (D-VA) were clearly concerned with Ms. Omarova’s opposition to the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA), while Republicans lambasted her for previous comments about cutting off credit to the oil and gas industry and proposals they believed would nationalize U.S. banking.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

2 11, 2021

FedFin Assessment: The Near-Term Stablecoin Regulatory Agenda

2023-06-02T13:04:23-04:00November 2nd, 2021|The Vault|

As noted yesterday, the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets (PWG) was joined by the OCC and FDIC yesterday issuing a report calling for prompt Congressional action to regulate stablecoins and, even in its absence, also for fast action by federal regulators and the FSOC.  In part because it poses the largest regulatory void, the most worrisome of the risks the report details arises from the role stablecoins may play in the payment system and resulting threats to systemic stability and competition.  Issues germane to digital-asset trading (defined to include lending and related activities) are described but largely left to regulators; SEC Chairman Gensler has made it clear (see Client Report INVESTOR19) that he intends to act and the CFTC-chair nominee has done the same.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.

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