3 05, 2023

FedFin on: Nonbank SIFI Designation

2023-05-03T17:03:24-04:00May 3rd, 2023|The Vault|

In concert with proposing a new systemic-risk methodology, the Financial Stability Oversight Council sought comment on guidance that significantly rewrites the manner in which nonbanks are designated as systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).  The new approach retracts key aspects of the Trump FSOC’s approach, for example eliminating the necessity of determining if a possible designee is likely to fail and what the costs and benefits of new systemic standards are likely to be.  Although the new approach retains numerous procedural opportunities for the possible designee to know of and protest action, these and other changes…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

26 04, 2023

FedFin on: Systemic-Risk Determinations

2023-04-26T16:59:28-04:00April 26th, 2023|The Vault|

Rejecting the Trump Administration’s hands-off approach to designating systemically-important nonbank financial institutions or activities and practices, the Biden Administration’s FSOC has bifurcated this construct with one proposal on designating entities and another that lays out an analytical approach to identifying systemic risk that would then guide firm and activity designation as well as Council staff coordination with primary federal regulators leading to new rules, product or service prohibitions/restrictions, or firm-specific supervisory action. If the final framework is as comprehensive as this proposal and FSOC is as actively engaged as its plan requires, then U.S. systemic standards could extend far more widely than is now the case even if firm-specific nonbank designations are few and far between…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

21 11, 2022

FedFin: We’re Starting to See SIFIs

2022-11-22T13:21:33-05:00November 21st, 2022|The Vault|

As came out into the open last week, FSOC will finally turn to rewriting the Trump era rewrite of the Obama Administration’s FSOC protocols regarding systemic financial institutions and activities.  Could the SIFI reaper be coming for Fannie and Freddie?  We doubt it, but then again…

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

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