
2023-02-27T16:39:49-05:00February 27th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

FRB-NY:  CRA Now Makes No Measurable Difference

As the banking agencies wrestle with their still-unfinished CRA rule (see FSM Report CRA32), the Federal Reserve Bank of New York today released a staff report concluding that the law has little to no impact on like-kind household credit in target areas.  Using data available only to the Fed, the report finds that banks largely meet CRA in target areas by acquiring existing mortgage loans, not making new ones.

SCOTUS Re CFPB Has Broad Ramifications

In a case with significant implications not only for the CFPB, but also other financial agencies, the Supreme Court today agreed to review the Fifth Circuit’s decision invalidating CFPB funding via transfers from the Federal Reserve’s income rather than annual Congressional appropriation.

CFPB Puts A Repeat Offender Out Of Business

Wielding the hammer Director Chopra claimed when he announced his campaign against repeat offenders, the CFPB today used the powers it argues derive from its authorizing law (see FSM Report CONSUMER14) to put a nonbank mortgage lender out of business.  In this case, RMK Financial was found to have persistently violated a 2015 agreement under consumer-finance laws and rules to mislead veterans about the terms of their VA and FHA mortgages.
