Client Story: Karen Petrou and “Zuni”
Karen Shaw Petrou is a powerhouse in the power center of America. She is co-founder and managing partner of Federal Financial Analytics, a Washington, D.C. consulting firm specializing in domestic and international financial services regulation. It’s not unusual to see Karen moving swiftly through the halls of Congress or attending meetings at the White House. She is a force to be reckoned with-American Banker described Karen as the “sharpest mind analyzing banking policy today- maybe ever ... ” What makes Karen’s success story even more fascinating is that, in an industry dependent on dense research reports, detailed data charts and colorful graphs, Karen has been progressively losing her eyesight to the inherited disease known as Usher 2A. Rarely limited by her blindness, Karen has provided expert testimony before Congressional committees at least a dozen times and has authored over 100 articles on the global banking system. She is a regularly featured speaker at banking and financial services conferences. Karen credits her two Fidelco German Shepherd Guide Dogs – first “Ori” and now “Zuni” – as the keys to her successful and fast-paced travels throughout Washington and all across America.
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