Addressing the Income Inequality Imperative Before It’s Too Late
By Rob Blackwell
There’s an unofficial adage in journalism that three similar events make a story. One car wreck at a particular intersection is an accident. Two accidents are an unfortunate coincidence. Three times is a trend — and an issue to discuss and address. …One recent warning came from Karen Shaw Petrou, managing partner of Federal Financial Analytics. Petrou is one of the most thoughtful voices in the financial services industry; since 2018, she has been adamant that income inequality is an increasing — and underappreciated — risk to the financial system. “You have empirical and theoretical evidence that the more economically unequal a nation is, the more fragile its financial system,” Petrou told me in June. “I worry… that prolonged economic inequality, combined with the kinds of crises it keeps precipitating, will also lead to rage. History is not inspiring on the topic of what happens to societies with profound inequality.”