Paul Picks Up GAO Fed-Audit Support

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has again honored his father’s legacy, reintroducing legislation mandating a full GAO audit of the FRB that was the hallmark of Ron Paul’s tenure as a long-time Member of the House and occasional libertarian candidate for president.

OIG Gives FHFA Passing Grade on Community Support System Improvements

Saying nothing about FHFA’s plans for Home Loan Bank community support, the FHFA OIG yesterday issued a report concluding that the agency has effectively addressed issues with its oversight of FHLB community support requirements by implementing an automated system for Community-Support Statement submission.

Partisan HUD Hearing Discusses FHA-Policy Options

Today’s HFSC hearing with HUD Secretary Fudge was the partisan event we anticipated, with Chairman McHenry (R-NC) criticizing Ms. Fudge for unresponsiveness to committee requests and obstacles in the income verification process for disabled veteran housing in his district.
