IOSCO Dodging Open-End Fund Reform?

IOSCO today asked for comment on corporate-bond market liquidity and ETF best practices.  The bond analysis focuses less on the open-end funds on which the SEC and global regulators are addressing in the wake of MMF proposals (see FSM Report MMF19) than on underlying markets.  It focuses on the extent to which secondary corporate-bond trading remains dependent on a small network of OTC dealers in markets with scant liquidity despite sharp growth since the 2008 crisis.

Chopra Calls CRAs as Cartel

In a speech today on consumer reporting agencies, CFPB Director Chopra focused not on the sector’s decision to change medical-billing practices as the Bureau recommended, but rather on the fact that the three major agencies did so on the same day in the same announcement.  This, he said, suggests that they are a cartel, not competitors.
