ILC, Overdraft Bills Face Tough Path to Passage

The vote is now out on H.R. 5912, Rep. Garcia’s (D-IL) bill to circumscribe ILC charters (see FSM Report ILC13).  As we noted during the mark-up, the final bill includes modified grandfather language designed to protect existing parent companies without giving them future protection from BHC-like standards.  The bill passed narrowly – 28-25 – and is likely to face a still more challenging time on the House floor.

HFSC Wants Tough New Broker-Dealer Standards

HFSC’s investigative report today on the meme-stock crisis takes a strikingly different approach than the SEC’s pending rule.  While the Commission is focused on circumscribing payment for order flow and other market practices, HFSC principally targets broker-dealer resilience and the role of the DTCC and other critical market infrastructure.  It thus calls on Congress, the SEC, the DTCC, and the NSCC to create a new emergency-liquidity facility for clearing brokers and lays out an array of safety-and-soundness standards it wants the SEC and FINRA to mandate.

GOP Targets Thompson

Picking up their complaints about HFSC’s housing focus from Wednesday’s mark-up, Committee Republicans today called on Chairwoman Waters (D-CA) to bring FHFA Director Thompson before the panel.  They are concerned about the safety and soundness of the housing finance system amid increasing recession forecasts, highlighting the urgent pressures of higher mortgage rates and declining household income.
