FSB Focuses on NBFI Liquidity, Leverage with Few Concrete Actions

Following its report recommending resolution-policy review, the FSB today continued its G20 reports with two focusing on NBFIs.  The most substantive of these addresses sector liquidity.  Recommendations here include adoption of pending OEF standards, continuing review of margining and work to determine if NBFI systemic-risk standards are warranted.

Fed Study: Big Bank Branches May Better Serve Customers

Fed staff have issued a report suggesting that new large bank branches tend to grow faster than new ones at small banks because large bank branches are favored by customers seeking lower prices or greater value.

IMF Outlines Post-SVB Supervision Standards

In an opaque but nonetheless stinging rebuke to U.S. bank supervision, the IMF today released a working paper emphasizing the importance of supervisors having the will and ability to act on effective supervision, recommending that supervisors are given strong operational independence and accountability, clarity regarding the primacy of their safety-and-soundness mandate, adequate resources, and legal protection.
