Loss Absorption Capital Requirement FSM Report: CAPITAL168 September 8, 2010
- Analyzes the new Basel standards that would stipulate that capital must absorb risk to prevent losses in the event of government support for a troubled banking organization.
Counter-Cyclical Capital Charge FSM Report: CAPITAL166 August 10, 2010
- Analyzes the Basel Committee’s proposed new counter-cyclical capital charge, designed to protect banks in risky credit markets and to reduce the prospects of boom-bust cycles.
Global Standards on Systemic Regulation FSM Report: SYSTEMIC32 August 3, 2010
- Assesses the new standards from the Financial Stability Board (FSB) developed for the G-20 Summit.
Capital Liquidity Rules Client Report: CAPITAL165 July 26, 2010
- Examines final decisions of the Basel Committee on capital and liquidity standards.
Regulatory Update Client Report: CAPITAL163 July 16, 2010
- Assesses the results of a closed-door meeting earlier in the week with senior G-20 and IMF policymakers.
IMF Report on U.S. Client Report: REFORM59 July 8, 2010
- Evaluates the IMF’s review of U.S. financial regulatory policy, findings that could influence Basel III negotiations.
June G-20 Meeting Client Report: SUMMIT9 June 28, 2010
- Assesses the final decisions at the Group of Twenty summit over the weekend and the actions outlined by the FSB in documents released to support the summit’s conclusions.
Agenda Before Toronto Summit Client Report: RESCUE64 June 14, 2010
- Analyzes the FSB’s summary of all the initiatives underway to come to rewrite financial market rules.
G-20 Negotiates on Bank Tax Client Report: SUMMIT8 June 7, 2010
- Assesses the failure to agree on a new bank tax, leaving individual nations to move on their own proposals.
Communiquè Assessment Client Report: SUMMIT7 April 26, 2010
- Analyzes the financial-reform implications of the communiquè released at the end of April by the G-20 ministers.
Cross-Border Resolution Procedures FSM Report: SYSTEMIC26 April 6, 2010
- Looks at the detailed principles outlined by the Basel Committee to govern the orderly resolution of complex financial firms that operate across national borders.
Global Corporate Governance Standards FSM Report: CORPGOV19 March 30, 2010
- Evaluates corporate governance standards to which the Basel Committee wants supervisors to hold banks accountable.
Procyclicality/Capital Conservation FSM Report: CAPITAL161 January 15, 2010
- Focuses on Basel consultative paper designed to reduce the procyclical implications of the current capital regime and ensure that banks conserve capital.
Leverage Standard FSM Report: CAPITAL160 January 14, 2010
- Assesses the leverage standard included in the Basel Committee’s consultative paper rewriting global regulatory-capital requirements.
Capital for Risk Exposure FSM Report: CAPITAL159 January 13, 2010
- Evaluates portions of the Basel Committee’s consultative paper that would change the capital requirements assigned to an array of on- and off-balance sheet obligations.
Global Regulatory-Capital Rules-“Quality” Capital FSM Report: CAPITAL158 January 12, 2010
- Continues the assessment of the Basel Committee’s consultative paper reforming global capital standards.
Global Regulatory Capital Rules FSM Report: CAPITAL157 January 11, 2010
- Assesses the Basel Committee consultative paper that would lead to wholesale revision of the current global regulatory-capital system.
Liquidity, Capital Rules Assessed Client Report: RISKMANAGEMENT4 December 17, 2009
- Examines two long-awaited proposals to implement tough new standards demanded by heads of state at the Pittsburgh G-20 Summit.