As you may have seen from widespread media coverage, a new book, A Force for Good: How Enlightened Finance Can Restore Faith in Capitalism edited by John A. Taft, was released last week. FedFin managing partner Karen Petrou has a chapter in it focusing on the challenges to making finance a strong steward of the public good when only some firms and products are regulated.

The Guardian featured a review of Karen’s chapter in the book, with broader reviews from both the literary and financial communities calling the Taft book a significant contribution to restoring a sound U.S. financial system. Some recent reviews:

  • “John Taft has compiled a powerful collection of original essays from America’s thought leaders which provides a timely roadmap for the future of capitalism. If policy makers follow the advice of Taft and his colleagues, capitalism can be the greatest economic engine ever created.” (Clara Shih)
  • “Can capitalism—the greatest system of economic organization the world has ever seen—be improved upon? ‘Yes,’ contend the bold-face names who have contributed essays to A Force for Good. Economic policy wonks, no matter what their political orientation, will find something here to agree with, something to disagree with and—perhaps most important—something to ponder.” (Tom Steyer)
  • “This compilation of thought-provoking insights from leaders in finance tackles the tough issues that harm investor trust and offers inspiration to the profession to work together toward building a financial industry that better serves society.” (James Grant)

More information on the book can be found at