‘We know how lucky we were’
By Lorraine Woellert
Sara Stevens and Dan Nee took the plunge into homeownership a year ago, closing on a modest bungalow in Arlington, Va., less than five miles from the Capitol. With its fireplace, inviting front porch and friendly neighbors, the house felt like a perfect place to start a family. “When we pulled up and I saw that house I was immediately, like, I mean, smitten,” Sara said. “I keep saying it has charm coming out the wazoo, but it does.” …The perverse result: Only affluent first-time buyers are able to capitalize on the wealth-building tool of homeownership. “The farther millennials fall behind on sustainable homeownership, the more unequal America gets,” said Karen Petrou, managing director of Federal Financial Analytics. “More Americans are standing by the side of the road looking into the windows of nicer and nicer housing across the income divide.”