FedFin Assessment: FDIC Plan to Resolve GSIBs Fails to Answer Many Key Questions

In its first public statement since 2013 about how it would execute an SPOE resolution (see FSM Report RESOLVE23), the FDIC yesterday released a report Chair Gruenberg described as demonstrating the FDIC’s readiness to resolve a U.S. GSIB and the process it has developed for doing so under the orderly liquidation authority (OLA) provided in the Dodd-Frank Act (see FSM Report SYSTEMIC30).  As detailed in this FedFin report, the FDIC’s goal is to set stakeholder expectations regarding what to expect in an OLA resolution of a U.S. GSIB, but much reiterates current law and prior actions such as GSIB filings related to their resolution plans and the FRB’s TLAC standards (see FSM Report TLAC6).  Although perhaps released by the Chairman at least in part to assert FDIC capabilities at a time of internal stress and Congressional criticism, it remains unclear the extent to which the FDIC is ready and able to execute the protocols it describes.  The paper principally addresses only SPOE resolutions, which it states are best suited to OLA without making clear what it would do if a GSIB chose MPOE (none have so far although this is permitted under the living-will rules), a regional bank found to be systemic used MPOE (as several do), or if resolution involves a nonbank, where MPOE might well be preferable.