
2023-04-14T16:36:06-04:00April 14th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Waller Defends Fed SVB Policy

FRB Gov. Waller today defended recent Fed actions, reiterating that SVB was an idiosyncratic risk but it also posed systemic run risk, the most fundamental threat to financial stability.

FHFA Opens the Suggestion Box

FHFA today sought views on its corpus of GSE regulation.

FRB-NY Proposes Novel Way To Prevent Bank Runs

A  new post from FRB-NY staff adapts the minimum-balance-at-risk (MBR) policy long discussed for MMFs (see FSM Report MMF16) to bank deposits to determine the extent to which it would quell uninsured-deposit runs.

CFPB Announces Revisions To APOR Methodology

The CFPB today announced a revised version of its Methodology for Determining Average Prime Offer Rates (APOR).

Bowman Rejects Calls For New Rules

In remarks today, FRB Gov. Bowman again differed from Vice Chairman Barr, emphasizing that recent failures are likely not an “indictment” of current rules and that judgment should await the Fed’s report and those from others.
