Karen Petrou: Oval Office Bluster at a Time of Fed Confusion

2025-01-06T09:08:37-05:00January 6th, 2025|The Vault|

There is no doubt after last year’s last-minute debacle that U.S. fiscal policy is in still tinier tatters.  But, unnoticed so far is the still greater danger of confused fiscal policy combined as it now is with feckless monetary policy.  An economy resting on fiscal- and monetary-policy disarray is an economy at grave risk that sure-and-certain volatility will break through fragile guardrails.  Strained financial systems could then quickly compound the inflationary pressures likely from Trump trade and fiscal policy along with an array of supply-chain and employment risks.  And these are just the slow-burning hazards.  What happens if the financial system is shocked?

Although there has long been much about Fed policymaking that strains credulity, global financial markets have looked to the Fed as to a star in the East.  After 2008, markets had so much faith in the Fed that it was rightly dubbed “the only game in town” in a highly-influential 2016 book.  Now, though, investors and traders are increasingly fearful that, while the game based on Fed actions is still being played with its usual ferocity, there’s no longer an umpire or safety net.

Like adolescents suddenly facing the fact that parents are far from infallible, markets have had a rude, hard awakening in 2024’s last quarter.  Much has been written in recent weeks about the Fed’s steadfast assertion that it’s “data-driven” even as its decisions veer wildly from easing to tightening and back again.  That a stalwart Democratic economist recently endorsed longstanding Republican calls for …