
6 01, 2025

Karen Petrou: Oval Office Bluster at a Time of Fed Confusion

2025-01-06T09:08:37-05:00January 6th, 2025|The Vault|

There is no doubt after last year’s last-minute debacle that U.S. fiscal policy is in still tinier tatters.  But, unnoticed so far is the still greater danger of confused fiscal policy combined as it now is with feckless monetary policy.  An economy resting on fiscal- and monetary-policy disarray is an economy at grave risk that sure-and-certain volatility will break through fragile guardrails.  Strained financial systems could then quickly compound the inflationary pressures likely from Trump trade and fiscal policy along with an array of supply-chain and employment risks.  And these are just the slow-burning hazards.  What happens if the financial system is shocked?

Although there has long been much about Fed policymaking that strains credulity, global financial markets have looked to the Fed as to a star in the East.  After 2008, markets had so much faith in the Fed that it was rightly dubbed “the only game in town” in a highly-influential 2016 book.  Now, though, investors and traders are increasingly fearful that, while the game based on Fed actions is still being played with its usual ferocity, there’s no longer an umpire or safety net.

Like adolescents suddenly facing the fact that parents are far from infallible, markets have had a rude, hard awakening in 2024’s last quarter.  Much has been written in recent weeks about the Fed’s steadfast assertion that it’s “data-driven” even as its decisions veer wildly from easing to tightening and back again.  That a stalwart Democratic economist recently endorsed longstanding Republican calls for …

16 12, 2024

Karen Petrou: The Likely Banking-Agency Rewrite

2024-12-16T09:09:18-05:00December 16th, 2024|The Vault|

Will the Trump Administration and an agreeable Congress really make sense of U.S. bank regulation? I’m not sure that what they do will indeed make sense, but there’s so little sense in the current system that I’m confident they’ll have no qualms about vaunting the institutional barricades that have thwarted due-process reformers since a Senate Banking chair proposed to create a “Federal Banking Commission” in the early 1980s.  Little in the U.S. regulatory colossus is in as much need of creative disruption as banking; the tricky bit will be to ensure that tearing down the current framework doesn’t leave it in ruins.

One reason for decades of inaction is the federalist structure of U.S. bank regulation, which allows for choice among a federal, state, or hybrid (state member) charter.  Whatever is done to federal bank regulation and federal charters, there is no way Congress will even try to redesign the state-based option.  It might expand preemption, but that’s as far as even this group of radicals will go because Congress will not allow each Member’s state to lose much in the federal reform many of them otherwise want.

Congress will also tread softly on one political demand:  that from small banks for a regulator more likely to listen to their pleas.  Right now, that’s the FDIC, which owes its supervisory role over the decades to small banks despite numerous grievous FDIC mistakes along with the agency’s tunning inability to resolve banks bigger than a bread box.

New leadership may remove …

9 12, 2024

Karen Petrou: Do We Need the Financial Stability Oversight Council?

2024-12-09T09:17:27-05:00December 9th, 2024|The Vault|

On Friday, the Biden Administration’s FSOC proved yet again that it deserved Rohit Chopra’s dismissive description as a “book report club.”  As far as we can tell, all it has done for all of the last four years is issue some nice papers about digital assets and the payment system about which nothing was ever done and put forth dutiful annual reports along with two new systemic-designation standards with which it has since done absolutely nothing.  We’ll take our usual look at this year’s annual report, but it will be even less relevant than usual because FSOC is likely to do at least as little in Trump 2.0 as it did with its own recommendations during Trump 1.0.  Given this sorry record, should the Department of Government Efficiency eviscerate the Council?

Sure, why not if all FSOC plans to do is as meaningless as all is town over the past eight years.  Still, Congress wasn’t wrong when it created a Council designed to force communication across super-siloed regulators and to look hard at nonbanks outside their reach.  Indeed, as nonbanks increasingly dominate core intermediation and infrastructure functions, a forward-looking, effective FSOC would be a vital safeguard against market success derived principally from regulatory arbitrage.

Effective system-wide governance is not impossible.  Late last month, the Bank of England showed what can and should be done to address systemic risk.  Using the Bank’s authority to govern across the financial industry, it released a “System-Wide Exploratory Scenario” (SWES), essentially a financial-system wide stress …

25 11, 2024

Karen Petrou: Why the World Needs a Financial Stability Board That Isn’t This Financial Stability Board

2024-11-25T09:04:12-05:00November 25th, 2024|The Vault|

Donald Trump often upends conventional neoliberal wisdom, but one of the seemingly most frightening things the President-Elect espouses is contempt for the global order embodied in bastions such as the Bretton Woods international financial institutions, NATO, the UN, and the World Trade and Health Organizations.  A less-known archetype of right global-order thinking is the Financial Stability Board.  It has so far been spared by Mr. Trump, likely only because it has yet to come to his attention.  Moving out ahead, two House Republicans vying for HFSC Chair are already insisting that each will, Samson-like, pull down the FSB’s banking, insurance, and securities pillars.  Will the global financial system crumble to the lowest common denominator as FSB advocates proclaim?  I doubt it.  Indeed, shaking global financial standard-setters out of their well-stocked echo chamber could actually do global finance a world of good.

Like all the other global-order monuments, the FSB was founded with the very best of intentions.  The 2008 crisis and warning tremors in the late 1990s proved at grave cost how financial earthquakes know no borders.  What better than a new body of global financial standards akin to those that keep cross-border telecommunications humming to protect global banking, insurance, securities, commodities, and payments?  And thus, the G20 brought forth the FSB in 2009.

The FSB promptly did the best it could as quickly as it could not only to ramp up subgroups such as a renewed Basel Committee, but also to tackle the absence of resolution protocols for the …

18 11, 2024

Karen Petrou: Why Banks Need More Than Just New Capital Rules

2024-11-18T09:27:52-05:00November 18th, 2024|The Vault|

Bankers complain with considerable fervor about a “tsunami of new rules.”  There has certainly been a flood of standards indirectly implemented by supervisors, simply demanded by the CFPB, proposed, and finalized.  It’s thus understandable that bankers think they’re drowning.  But, as forest fires rage in Brooklyn and much of the nation is conserving water, it’s important to recall that too little rain is also dangerous.  Which brings me to the strategic hazard banks run if deregulation, while alleviating a bit of bank burden, leaves untouched all the regulatory asymmetries that make it easy for shadow banks to dominate still more profitable activities once considered core banking services.  If shadow banks offer better products, so be it.  However, much of their market power derives only from adroit regulatory arbitrage.  That’s not just bad for banks; it’s also dangerous to financial consumers, investors, and stability.

Regulators can go only so far in easing banks’ burden because the law requires many of the rules that bind them.  Nonbanks are not governed by much federal law and there are scant state safety-and-soundness standards.  Tech-platform companies are outside the law unless federal regulators use their inter-connection and antitrust powers to rein them in.  That these nonbanks have their eyes on core intermediation and payment services is now indisputable.  That banks will end up as little more than bedraggled “partners” or ancillary-service providers to nonbanks is inevitable unless necessary bank-regulatory reform comes with long-overdue nonbank safety-and-soundness and resolution standards.

Our forecasts of financial policy under President …

13 11, 2024

FedFin Assessment: The Fate of the Federal Reserve

2024-11-14T15:45:31-05:00November 13th, 2024|The Vault|

In a recent client brief, we provided our forecast of what might happen to Federal Reserve independence, process, powers, and personnel under either a Harris or Trump presidency.  This is of course no longer an either/or matter, with this report thus reviewing and, where needed, updating our initial assessment of what Mr. Trump could do to the central bank even where Chair Powell says he can’t.  Sherrod Brown’s defeat makes the Fed particularly vulnerable in the Senate, where Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stands a strong chance of becoming the Banking Committee’s ranking Democrat.  She and incoming chair Tim Scott (R-SC) will agree on a lot about the Fed, especially if Sen. Rick Scott – a frequent Warren ally on the Fed front – becomes Majority Leader….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

8 11, 2024

FedFin Assessment: Are Crypto’s Wins the Banks’ Losses?

2024-11-08T14:57:19-05:00November 8th, 2024|The Vault|

One of the more striking results of the election is the enormous win crypto firms got for their $135 million of Congressional-campaign spending: victories so far in every race it entered.  Much of this is due not just to crypto’s lure; instead, it reflects choices based not only on a candidate’s crypto sentiments, but also on the opponent’s vulnerability.  As a result, at least some of crypto’s luster could fade when Congress gets back to work.  However, Donald Trump campaigned on a pro-crypto platform, endorsing legislation such as the Lummis (R-WY) bill to create a “strategic reserve” for bitcoins…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

2 07, 2024

FedFin: Taking Trump Still More Seriously

2024-07-02T16:24:40-04:00July 2nd, 2024|The Vault|

In the wake of last week’s debate, clients have asked that we advise about what a second Trump term might mean for U.S. mortgage finance.  We reviewed our forecast at the start of this year on exactly this point.  Much of it remains as before, but there are several areas where an update is warranted due to recent Trump fiscal- and monetary-policy trial balloons.  Our updated, complete forecast follows….

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

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