
19 07, 2023


2023-07-19T16:57:05-04:00July 19th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

FTC/DOJ Propose Sweeping M&A Rewrite

Following an extensive inquiry into a new U.S. merger construct, the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission today released a draft formal policy statement that would codify issues previously raised in areas such as a transaction’s implications for workers.

White House Leaves Bank “Junk Fee” Attack As Is

Acting on President Biden’s competition executive order (see Client Report MERGER6), the White House today announced a slate of actions aimed at lowering consumer costs and promoting competition.

Bipartisan Senators Introduce New DeFi-AML/Sanctions Framework

Senator Reed (D-RI) yesterday introduced legislation along with Sens. Warner (D-VA), Rounds (R-SD), and Romney (R-UT) targeting DeFi-related money laundering and sanctions evasion.

Dems Reintroduce Bill Requiring Instant Consumer Deposit Access

Sens. Van Hollen (D-MD) and Warren (D-MA) and Reps. Pressley (D-MA) and Lynch (D-MA) have reintroduced the Payments Modernization Act, which requires financial institutions to recognize deposited funds in real-time and clarifies the moot point of whether the Fed has existing authority to build a real-time payments system.


12 07, 2023


2023-07-12T17:05:21-04:00July 12th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

SEC Concedes, Drops MMF Swing Pricing

In a startling bow to industry comments, the SEC today finalized MMF rules for institutional prime and tax-exempt funds that dispense with the proposal’s swing pricing (see FSM Report MMF19).

HFSC Bickers Over ESG, SEC Authority, Investor Rights

Today’s ESG hearing was the partisan show-down we anticipated – indeed, Rep. Sherman (D-CA) denounced the GOP for “waging war” against capitalism like Leon Trotsky.

Fed Nominations Advance

As anticipated, Senate Banking today approved the nominations of all three Federal Reserve Board nominees for the full Senate.

Warren Heightens Anti-Merger Campaign

Republicans were absent today from Senate Banking’s Economic Policy bank-merger hearing.  Chair Warren (D-MA) reiterated her strong opposition to virtually all mergers, indicating her plans to reintroduce anti-merger legislation from prior Congresses (see FSM Report MERGER8).


10 07, 2023


2023-07-10T16:43:24-04:00July 10th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

HFSC Lays Out Its ESG Priorities

The majority staff memo ahead of Wednesday’s HFSC hearing on ESG follows the outline anticipated  last week and that laid out in the GOP agenda for ESG-related action (see Client Report ESG4).

OCC Concurs On Capital, Tries For The Merger Middle

Acting Comptroller Hsu today confirmed our assessment of Vice Chair Barr’s comments earlier today (see Client Report CAPITAL228) that the three banking agencies are aligned on the new capital construct to be shortly released for public comment.

Barr, Foster Demand Delay to Capital Rewrite

Anticipating Vice Chair Barr’s remarks this morning detailing near-term capital policy changes (see Client Report CAPITAL228), HFSC Financial Institutions Subcommittee Chair Barr (R-KY) and Ranking Member Foster (D-IL) sent a letter late Friday demanding that he appear before the Subcommittee to present the conclusions of his capital review and upcoming Basel III implementation plans prior to public release, asking also for details and likely outcomes for industry consolidation.

House Republicans Keep Spotlight On FRB-SF

Continuing the GOP’s attack on the San Francisco Fed’s supervision of SVB in the wake of what many believe are “woke” priorities, House Oversight Committee Chairman Comer (R-KY) was joined today by Financial Services Subcommittee Chairwoman McClain (R-MI) in sending a letter to FRB Chairman Powell taking serious issue with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Fed for what they describe as SVB-related transparency and communication failures.

BIS Survey: Most Central Banks Considering CBDCs

The BIS …

10 07, 2023


2023-07-10T14:18:21-04:00July 10th, 2023|6- Client Memo|

The Bankruptcy of Bank-Merger Policy

On Wednesday, a Senate Banking subcommittee will consider bank-merger policy, surely providing a platform for its chair, Sen. Warren’s pronounced views opposing all but the smallest bank mergers and maybe not even those.  Many other senators are not as adamant, but even pro-business Republicans – see J.D. Vance – think bank mergers beyond the itty-bitty are at best problematic.  The politics of this debate is obvious; the substance not so much.  As with many other questions, bank-merger policy is best set with a keen understanding of recent, objective research and what it actually says about concentration as it occurs outside the gaze of those fearful only of still bigger big banks.


10 07, 2023

Karen Petrou: The Bankruptcy of Bank-Merger Policy

2023-07-10T14:18:07-04:00July 10th, 2023|The Vault|

On Wednesday, a Senate Banking subcommittee will consider bank-merger policy, surely providing a platform for its chair, Sen. Warren’s pronounced views opposing all but the smallest bank mergers and maybe not even those.  Many other senators are not as adamant, but even pro-business Republicans – see J.D. Vance – think bank mergers beyond the itty-bitty are at best problematic.  The politics of this debate is obvious; the substance not so much.  As with many other questions, bank-merger policy is best set with a keen understanding of recent, objective research and what it actually says about concentration as it occurs outside the gaze of those fearful only of still bigger big banks.

That there is undue market power in a financialized economy that brings a raft of woes is all too clear.  I thus hoped that Assistant Attorney General Kanter’s remarks last month would be a meaningful update of the Department of Justice’s anachronistic 1995 policy.  It helped, but only a bit because Mr. Kanter focused principally on enforcement, leaving “broader” questions solely to the banking agencies.

They in turn have long promised a transparent merger policy, but it’s still deal-by-deal, case-by-case, crisis-by-crisis.  More than a few mid-sized banks will wither away as deliberations continue because the sheer uncertainty and delays of most bank mergers undermine their economic value, particularly at a time of high interest rates, slow or no growth, tough new rules, and withering competition.

Recent antitrust research does not substantiate easy, blanket assertions about the benefits or …

30 06, 2023


2023-06-30T16:31:38-04:00June 30th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Warren Blasts Goldman Over SVB Dual Role

Raising an issue that could lead to broad demands for internal firewalls, Sen. Warren (D-MA) today sent a letter to the CEO of Goldman Sachs demanding more information about the bank’s dual role advising and buying financial instruments from SVB.  The senator raises concerns that this caused conflicts of interest and accuses the bank of using “accounting tricks” that were very costly to the DIF.

Key House Member Posits China Sanctions For Hong Kong Banking Activities

Joined by two U.K. MPs, House Select Committee on the CCP Chairman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) today sent a letter to HSBC’s CEO raising concerns with what he says was the bank’s decision as well as that of other unnamed banks to block Mandatory Provident Fund withdrawal requests for Hong Kong residents with British National (overseas) passports.  Firing what may be a first shot into the broader battle of how global banks manage their relations with China, the letter highlights instructions to the fund’s trustee institutions – which include HSBC – from the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Authority to disregard BN(O) passports.


27 06, 2023


2023-06-27T16:53:41-04:00June 27th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Treasury, FIO Target Insurance, Banking Interconnections

In conjunction with FIO’s new report on Insurance Supervision and Regulation of Climate-Related Risks, Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, Graham Steele, today emphasized the need for further work to understand the insurance industry’s climate-related financial stability risks, especially from housing and banking sector spillovers.  In a panel discussion, FIO Director Steven Seitz also highlighted the report’s recommendations around macroprudential risks, including prioritizing the growth of the residual and surplus lines markets, “hardening” of the reinsurance market, and realizing the effects climate risk may have on state insurance guarantee funds.

Warren Gives No Merger Ground

In a letter sent today to Chair Gruenberg, Acting Comptroller Hsu, Vice Chair Barr, Assistant Attorney General Kanter, and Secretary Yellen, Sen. Warren (D-MA) demands fast action on the rewrite of bank merger guidelines pending since at least the President’s executive order in 2021 (see FSM Report MERGER10) as well as an end to large-bank M&A.  Sen. Warren takes particular issue with Secretary Yellen’s recent comments suggesting the need for industry consolidation and again confronts Acting Comptroller Hsu’s “openness” to at least some transactions.  It thus seems clear that her opposition to his nomination as Comptroller remains as firm as ever.


22 06, 2023


2023-06-22T16:52:30-04:00June 22nd, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Gruenberg: End-Game Almost Done, Will Be Tough

In remarks today, FDIC Chair Gruenberg erased any of the doubt Chair Powell left yesterday as to the nature of the U.S. end-game capital rewrite (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE74).

FSB Tackles Third-Party Risk

The FSB today issued a consultation on third-party vendor management, with comments due by August 22.

Senior Democrats Reintroduce Fed Racial Equity Measure

HFSC Ranking Member Waters (D-CA) and Senate Banking member Sen. Warren (D-MA) today reintroduced legislation that would create a new racial justice mission at the Fed.

Powell Announces Internal Endgame Draft, Defends FRB-SF

At a Senate Banking hearing today covering much of the territory discussed in yesterday’s HFSC hearing (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE74), Chairman Powell noted that an endgame draft proposal has been circulated internally, he has been briefed on it and that all governors will have ample time to review it.


16 06, 2023


2023-06-16T16:49:58-04:00June 16th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Waller Separates Monetary, Stability Policy

FRB Gov. Waller today defended recent rate hikes against criticism that they undermine financial stability, noting that monetary and stability policy are inter-related but must generally be addressed with different tools.

Brown-Scott Clawback Bill Adds Enforcement Teeth

In his first legislative mark-up since assuming the chairmanship in 2021, Banking Committee Chairman Brown (D-OH) will convene voting next Wednesday on compromise compensation-reform legislation on which he and Ranking Member Scott (R-SC) have agreed.

Hsu Warns of Tokenized-Settlement, AI Risk

Acting Comptroller Hsu’s speech today highlights both the benefits and risks of tokenization and AI, urging parallel development of new technologies and essential controls.

Democrats Try Again To Mandate TILA, CFPB Small-Business Authority

Banking Committee member Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) yesterday introduced legislation (S. 2021) along with Small Business Committee Ranking Member Velazquez (D-NY) (H.R. 4192) to extend TILA protections to small business lending, also giving the CFPB authority in this sector.

Fed Fears Little Systemic Risk

The financial-stability discussion in today’s report from the Federal Reserve ahead of next week’s hearings generally reiterates conclusions from the most recent Fed financial-stability report (see Client Report SYSTEMIC96): banks are generally sound and resilient and, despite MMF worries, most other vulnerabilities are of only moderate systemic concern.

Fed’s Long-Awaited Master-Account Database Goes Live

Conceding to a long-resisted and now statutory demand (see FSM Report PAYMENT25), the Federal Reserve today published the first database detailing who has or seeks access to Reserve Bank master accounts and services.…

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