The Vault

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8 07, 2024

Karen Petrou: What MAGA Republicans and Rohit Chopra Both Want

2024-07-08T13:20:21-04:00July 8th, 2024|The Vault|

Following last week’s celebration of American independence, my thoughts turned to the confluence of concern from both sides of the political spectrum about an issue at the heart of the Bill of Rights:  “financial censorship.”  When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and CFPB Director Chopra agree – as they do – on a hot-button point such as freedom of thought as it may be expressed in financial transactions, a new framework is upon us no matter who wins in November.  Virtuous as this ideal is, putting it into practice is fraught with consequences, more than a few unintended.

That Mr. Chopra chose to address the Federalist Society is notable in and of itself.  I’ve done this more than a few times and emerged not only unscathed, but often enlightened.  But that was before Democrats viewed the Society as a cabal meant to subvert rules such as those Mr. Chopra is fond of issuing.  But the CFPB director knew his crowd – he and even super-MAGA conservatives fear that powerful financial companies threaten freedom of thought because giant platforms have undue control over each of our wallets.  This may not be true, but at least one such company gave it a try and those taking aim at financial censorships think that once is enough, and they are right.

However, the focus on financial censorship goes beyond what payment companies allow us to express via what we purchase.  The debate is over a decade old, beginning as it did when Obama Administration banking …

2 07, 2024

FedFin: Taking Trump Still More Seriously

2024-07-02T16:24:40-04:00July 2nd, 2024|The Vault|

In the wake of last week’s debate, clients have asked that we advise about what a second Trump term might mean for U.S. mortgage finance.  We reviewed our forecast at the start of this year on exactly this point.  Much of it remains as before, but there are several areas where an update is warranted due to recent Trump fiscal- and monetary-policy trial balloons.  Our updated, complete forecast follows….

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

1 07, 2024

Karen Petrou: The Latest Faustian Fintech Bargain and How the Devil Gets Its Due

2024-07-01T11:51:54-04:00July 1st, 2024|The Vault|

The sums lost in Synapse’s debacle are small when it comes to the financial system as a whole.  But, as the American Banker described last week, small amounts of money judged in the grand scheme loom large to many households.  Who’s to blame for losses due to the latest fintech’s playing fast and loose with FDIC-insured deposits? The perpetrators of course, but also the regulators who didn’t stop banks from striking Faustian deals with fintech companies, deluding themselves that issuing supervisory guidance would stop ruthless, agile speculators from preying on vulnerable banks and the still more susceptible customers.

Synapse has a cool name, but it sported red-hot warnings well before its bankruptcy.  That banks were willing to do business with a firm this dubious is a sign of deep strategic trouble for many small companies.  This is sad, but corporate survival often forces high-risk choices.  That regulators allowed bets that endanger both banks and their customers makes clear yet again that supervisory agencies take far too long and then do too little.

Was Synapse a clear and present danger before it became disastrous?  Just for starters, Synapse’s founder had apparently never worked a day in his young life.  Banks are supposed to know their customers and regulators are supposed to be sure they do.  Thus, this deal from day one was a bad idea for banks that should know better or quickly be told so. Drinking from the devil’s cup of “accelerating innovation” may be bewitching, but it’s also very …

24 06, 2024

FedFin on: Squeezing Closed Ends

2024-06-24T16:47:53-04:00June 24th, 2024|The Vault|

Late Friday afternoon, FHFA hoped quietly to announce that, while it was approving the gist of Freddie’s request to purchase certain closed-end second liens, it heard many critics and would sharply curtail the approval and, should it go any farther, seek still more public comment.  For good measure, FHFA Director Thompson even invited comment on the new program approval process, one of the more controversial provisions in 2008’s GSE-regulatory rewrite…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.

17 06, 2024

Karen Petrou: Why Synthetic CRT Isn’t the Crisis It’s Cracked Up to Be

2024-06-17T09:24:46-04:00June 17th, 2024|The Vault|

Last week, several press reports slammed synthetic credit risk transfers (CRTs) on grounds that the biggest U.S. bank in this sector which is of course the biggest global bank ever – JPMorgan – is creating new and serious risks when it scores SCRTs.  It’s easy to assume that anything “synthetic” is more dangerous than the “natural” way a bank absorbs credit risk, but this is simply not the case as a whole lot of financial crises make all too clear.  SCRTs are a rare example of a complex structured deal that gives the issuing bank a safe, sound way to reduce its capital requirements.  Regulatory arbitrage, yes, regulatory evasion, no.  The real risk SCRTs actually pose lies in the way some banks are using “natural” credit – i.e., loans – to lever up SCRT investors in ways dangerous to everyone but the SCRT issuer.

Let me explain.  FedFin laid out how SCRTs work in a September 2023 report following conditional FRB approval of the first of these deals since the great financial crisis.  One of the hard-learned GFC lessons was that structured financial instruments can be toxic due to opacity to regulators, counterparties, and even bank sponsors.  Given this, the regulator’s SCRT okay has several significant strings attached.

Most importantly, the bank making use of the credit-linked notes (CLNs) usual in these deals must issue the notes via a bankruptcy-remote vehicle and get cash or like-kind collateral to enjoy any regulatory-capital offset.  In short – and this is very short …

12 06, 2024

FedFin on: AI Implementation

2024-06-12T14:46:06-04:00June 12th, 2024|The Vault|

Although pressed by Congress to reach conclusions about AI’s risk in the financial sectors, Treasury is following up the worries in the most recent FSOC report with only a request for information (RFI) from the public.  The RFI follows an Executive Order (EO) from President Biden in 2023 instituting a “whole-of-government” program to identify best-use and high-problem aspects of AI from both a private- and -public sector perspective….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

10 06, 2024

Karen Petrou: Private Capital Goes Retail

2024-06-10T09:27:24-04:00June 10th, 2024|The Vault|

Jamie Dimon recently said that there will be “hell to pay” when private credit gets the comeuppance common to businesses engaged in a race to the bottom.  But, who’ll pay it?  If the $1.7 trillion sector isn’t as systemic as many fear, then hell will be paid by institutional investors and, downstream, the policy-holders and pensioners who depend on them.  But, there’s more.  Typically, Wall Street opens high-return products to retail investors only when there’s so much to go around that pricing no longer reflects risk.  As smart money stands back, retail investors are enticed in order to, as one bank CEO memorably said in 2008, keep dancing until the music stops.  As we learned yet again the hard way in 2020, hell paid by retail investors can quickly turn into hell paid by taxpayers.

Last week’s news brought an announcement that one large adviser has opened a new fund for higher net-worth clients able to put $100,000 in funds comprised largely of private-credit assets.  So far, this is just one group of funds, but so far isn’t all that long and it’s very likely that growing fears about private-credit risk among institutional investors will open the retail spigot for private-equity lenders which still have loads of high-risk they hope to move into the waiting hands of a sector less learned about opacity and manifold conflicts of interest.

Despite growing alarm about private credit from both global regulators and institutional investors, the Fed’s most recent financial stability report essentially ignores …

6 06, 2024

FedFin on: Consumer-Finance Contractual Terms

2024-06-06T16:22:58-04:00June 6th, 2024|The Vault|

Deciding against finalizing a proposal to require a registry from nonbanks of their contractual terms,  the CFPB has instead issued a circular – i.e., a de facto rulemaking – telling both banks and nonbanks and their service providers that contractual terms and conditions may not require consumers to waive rights to which they are entitled under applicable state or federal law or which the Bureau believes likely to be “unenforceable.”  The scope of Bureau actions remains to be seen, but it has established a ….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

5 06, 2024

FedFin on: Closing In on Closing Costs

2024-06-05T11:21:39-04:00June 5th, 2024|The Vault|

As anticipated, the CFPB has advanced its campaign to quell mortgage closing costs.  But, unlike our forecast, the usually-aggressive agency is sliding into this debate with only a request for information (RFI) asking lots of questions we though the CFPB had already answered to its own satisfaction given a prior study and much ancillary “junk fee” commentary from Director Chopra and even the White House NEC Director.

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

3 06, 2024

FedFin on: Discount-Window Modernization

2024-06-03T17:00:38-04:00June 3rd, 2024|The Vault|

In addition to controversial provisions affecting bank-merger applications and stress-test transparency, legislation recently approved by the House Financial Services Committee includes a less-contentious provision forcing the Federal Reserve to reckon with longstanding problems affecting the use of its discount window, especially under stress conditions.  These problems were on costly evidence in March of 2023, when both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank had extraordinary difficulty accessing the discount window due in part to ill-segregated collateral and early Fedwire closing….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

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