
15 02, 2022

FedFin: Stablecoin Legislative Consensus in Sight, But from a Distance

2023-04-04T15:59:02-04:00February 15th, 2022|The Vault|

Despite fierce partisan fighting over pending Fed nominations, today’s Senate Banking hearing on stablecoin regulation was considerably more bipartisan that last week’s HFSC session (see Client Report CRYPTO24).  Both Chairman Brown (D-OH) and Ranking Member Toomey (R-PA) are in broad agreement on a two-tier structure in which stablecoins are issued either by banks or by nonbanks subject to strict reserve-asset, AML, and related regulation.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here

3 02, 2022

FedFin Assessment: Raskin Confirmation Possible, But a Squeaker

2023-04-05T14:06:56-04:00February 3rd, 2022|The Vault|

As this report details, all three Fed nominees before the Senate Banking Committee today emphasized the vital importance of Fed independence and their anti-inflation zeal to quell GOP opposition and cement it among moderate Democrats. Professor Philip Jefferson sailed through and will be confirmed — perhaps quickly — by a relatively -wide bipartisan margin. We expect Professor Lisa Cook also to prevail, with Democrats likely joined by a
couple of moderate Republicans convinced that attacks on her expertise art unseemly with regard to a Black woman given how rarely similar concerns are voiced about white nominees with no macroeconomic-policy expertise.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

14 01, 2022

FedFin: If At First You Don’t Succeed….

2023-04-24T15:26:17-04:00January 14th, 2022|The Vault|

As noted in our in-depth analysis of Acting FHFA Director Thompson’s confirmation hearing, it’s clear that Democrats and Republicans are thinking hard about resurrecting statutory changes to the GSEs’ charters.  They are, though, about as far apart as usual on the constructs they prefer, ….

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.


13 01, 2022

FedFin on: Brainard Navigates Troubled Waters; Looks Like Smooth Sailing for Thompson

2023-04-24T15:40:10-04:00January 13th, 2022|The Vault|

At today’s confirmation hearing, Gov. Brainard took a lot of the heat on inflation Republicans only mildly mentioned during Mr. Powell’s Tuesday confirmation hearing (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE67). As we anticipated (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE66) this reflects the fact that the GOP is united in opposition to her appointment as Fed vice chair; should she hold Sen. Manchin (D-WV) she will be confirmed; if not, perhaps not. Ranking Member Toomey (R-PA) also used the occasion to signal – again unsurprisingly – GOP opposition should Sarah Bloom Raskin be nominated….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

11 01, 2022

FedFin Assessment: Powell Sidesteps Many Challenges, Promises Much

2023-04-24T15:54:45-04:00January 11th, 2022|The Vault|

As promised yesterday (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE66), we listened closely today to gauge the extent to which Chairman Powell faces a serious challenge to reconfirmation. At least as far as Senate Banking Members are concerned, he doesn’t. Although Sen. Warren (D-MA) and other Democrats lambasted Mr. Powell over insider-trading allegations and what they called the Fed’s unresponsiveness, all still were cordial and seemed generally to blame the problem on institutional failures, not the chairman. Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) called the Fed’s diversity policy “outrageous,” but also does not seem inclined….

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

18 11, 2021

FedFin on: Omarova Nomination Threatened

2023-05-25T16:01:16-04:00November 18th, 2021|The Vault|

As expected, today’s hearing with Comptroller-nominee Saule Omarova included an unprecedented amount of fireworks for what is normally a low profile appointment.  In this report, we omit analysis of the debate on Ms. Omarova’s origins and alleged Marxism, instead assessing policy issues germane should Ms. Omarova succeed in what seems an increasingly difficult confirmation.  Notably, moderate Democrats such as Sens. Tester (D-MT) and Warner (D-VA) were clearly concerned with Ms. Omarova’s opposition to the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA), while Republicans lambasted her for previous comments about cutting off credit to the oil and gas industry and proposals they believed would nationalize U.S. banking.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

19 10, 2021

FedFin on: Banking Dems, GOP Demand More, Tougher Sanctions

2023-06-07T15:42:15-04:00October 19th, 2021|The Vault|

Today’s Senate Banking hearing with Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo showed bipartisan concern that the Administration is failing to implement sanctions required by law, especially when it comes to China, North Korea, and Russia.  Senators also stated that they will not tolerate what they call continued defiance of Congressional mandates without making clear what they intend to do to enforce their will should Treasury fail to act.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

4 10, 2021

Karen Petrou: How to Ensure Equitable Fed Intervention in the Crisis Next Time

2023-07-05T15:57:30-04:00October 4th, 2021|The Vault|

With her unerring instinct for the jugular on which media thrive, Sen. Warren on Tuesday called Jay Powell a “dangerous man.”  This promptly sent many into still more feverish speculation about the Fed’s next chairman, blotting out coverage of an even more consequential development in the House:  Democratic plans to rewrite the Fed’s powers in the next financial crisis.  Last week, I pointed to the political price for Mr. Powell’s renomination:  the Omarova appointment.  A structural one with even more lasting impact is the rewrite of the Fed’s emergency-liquidity powers to, as Democrats demand, end backstops for “Wall Street” in favor of Fed facilities for everyone else.

Although little noticed, HFSC Chairwoman Waters on Thursday said for the second time in as many weeks that “Our committee is committed to ideas to ensure that facilities like these [the Fed’s in 2020] can more directly support workers and small businesses as well as state and local governments the next time there is a crisis.”  Holding fire on Mr. Powell, Senate Banking Chairman Brown also targeted Fed support for Wall Street in his opening statement on Tuesday.  This follows an inconclusive HFSC hearing a week or so ago on just what these new facilities might look like but make it clear that an array of reforms is under active consideration.

Importantly, these demands for people-focused facilities aren’t an isolated case of progressive pique.  After the 2008 crisis, there was much bipartisan ire over whom the Fed helped how.  This led to a …

27 09, 2021

Karen Petrou: The Powell Political Calculus

2023-08-03T10:18:53-04:00September 27th, 2021|The Vault|

Although the quadrennial kerfuffle over appointment of the Federal Reserve chair gets a good deal of public attention, I cannot recall a time when anyone outside banking’s inner circles cared much about who might be the next Comptroller or Vice Chair of Supervision.  And, although they’ve garnered more attention of late in the diversity context, Federal Reserve presidencies were of even less public interest.  Not only are all of these appointments now proving remarkably consequential, but they also pose a particularly thorny political equation for President Biden.

While all of these finance appointments are significant, that for Jay Powell as Fed chairman is of course the most important of them all.  Although key lips are publicly zipped, Treasury Secretary Yellen would like to see Mr. Powell’s reappointment as would a host of other high-impact Democratic influencers. The plethora of coverage suggesting global financial markets will collapse if Mr. Powell is deposed peddle patent nonsense, but nonetheless signify the stakes some assign to his cause.

Despite this formidable support, the Powell reappointment was still proving difficult even before the Reserve Bank stock-trading disclosures.  As I noted at the time, it’s a lot easier to understand individual financial bets than monetary-policy complexities.  It’s thus unsurprising that Mr. Powell’s latest concessions are proving far from satisfactory to an array of high-impact Democratic influencers very emphatically not to be found on Wall Street.  One of Mr. Powell’s strengths in the renomination battle has been divisions among Democratic progressives, making this resonant scandal particularly …

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