10 03, 2025

Karen Petrou: Will Bessent Do It Better? 

2025-03-10T10:18:10-04:00March 10th, 2025|The Vault|

There are two ways to consolidate federal bank regulation.  First, you can change the law and, as detailed in my memo a few weeks back, transform agency responsibilities to reduce duplication and regulatory arbitrage.  The other way is for one federal entity to assert all the power it has under law and maybe more simply to take de facto charge of significant Fed, OCC, and FDIC supervisory and regulatory policy.  Secretary Bessent has now made it clear that the Trump Administration will open Door Number Two, setting key policy goals and “coordinating” among the agencies.  Will Treasury keep banking within essential guardrails?  Mr. Bessent might just pull this off, at least for as long as he’s Treasury Secretary in this super-volatile Administration.

Just weeks ago, I would have said a Treasury putsch was impossible because of the Fed’s inviolable status as an independent agency that, even under a more Trump-ready vice chair, would avoid the appearance of taking Treasury’s orders less this subservience spill over to monetary policymaking.  Now, though, the President has claimed via executive order that there are no more independent agencies exempt from Executive Branch control.  This covers the OCC and FDIC, which were in any case sure to do what was asked of them in this Administration, but it also covers Fed supervisory and regulatory responsibilities.  The Fed’s express statutory independence does not cover these activities, making it likely now that the Fed will concede on most sup-and-reg points to defend the fragile barricades surrounding monetary-policy …

18 02, 2025

Karen Petrou: The Fed’s Sudden GSIB Jihad

2025-02-18T09:06:45-05:00February 18th, 2025|The Vault|

Even as he stoutly assured Congress last week that the Fed is staunchly apolitical, Chair Powell acknowledged several post-inauguration epiphanies.  These include sudden recognition of the supplementary leverage ratio’s impact on Treasury-market liquidity and the importance of cost-benefit and cumulative regulatory-impact analyses along with disavowal of all things climate risk.  Another Fed U-turn relates to merger policy, but this escaped broad notice.  It shouldn’t have – bank-merger policy is due for a major makeover and that matters.

In a detailed FedFin analysis of banking-industry competition last year, we looked at current market realities and years of research showing that the dramatic erosion in U.S. bank charters is not due to voracious big-bank gobbling of small-bank charters.  Instead, it’s the result of inexorable technological advances combined with an array of new rules that challenge the ability of all but the very biggest banks to achieve the economies of scale and scope now vital to charter survival.  Many new rules, warranted or not, have also had the inexorable effect of enabling regulatory arbitrage, empowering massive nonbank competitors who easily quash vulnerable companies unable to match technological prowess and network effects.

Sudden Fed policy reversals did not escape Republican notice, with Senate Banking Chair Scott commenting acidly about Fed “flip-flops.”  But, unless Members of Congress make Jay Powell angry – and that’s hard to do in public – nothing the Fed chair says in public is offhand even if it seems that way at the time.  During last week’s hearings, Mr. Powell changed …

16 12, 2024

Karen Petrou: The Likely Banking-Agency Rewrite

2024-12-16T09:09:18-05:00December 16th, 2024|The Vault|

Will the Trump Administration and an agreeable Congress really make sense of U.S. bank regulation? I’m not sure that what they do will indeed make sense, but there’s so little sense in the current system that I’m confident they’ll have no qualms about vaunting the institutional barricades that have thwarted due-process reformers since a Senate Banking chair proposed to create a “Federal Banking Commission” in the early 1980s.  Little in the U.S. regulatory colossus is in as much need of creative disruption as banking; the tricky bit will be to ensure that tearing down the current framework doesn’t leave it in ruins.

One reason for decades of inaction is the federalist structure of U.S. bank regulation, which allows for choice among a federal, state, or hybrid (state member) charter.  Whatever is done to federal bank regulation and federal charters, there is no way Congress will even try to redesign the state-based option.  It might expand preemption, but that’s as far as even this group of radicals will go because Congress will not allow each Member’s state to lose much in the federal reform many of them otherwise want.

Congress will also tread softly on one political demand:  that from small banks for a regulator more likely to listen to their pleas.  Right now, that’s the FDIC, which owes its supervisory role over the decades to small banks despite numerous grievous FDIC mistakes along with the agency’s tunning inability to resolve banks bigger than a bread box.

New leadership may remove …

8 11, 2024

FedFin Assessment: Are Crypto’s Wins the Banks’ Losses?

2024-11-08T14:57:19-05:00November 8th, 2024|The Vault|

One of the more striking results of the election is the enormous win crypto firms got for their $135 million of Congressional-campaign spending: victories so far in every race it entered.  Much of this is due not just to crypto’s lure; instead, it reflects choices based not only on a candidate’s crypto sentiments, but also on the opponent’s vulnerability.  As a result, at least some of crypto’s luster could fade when Congress gets back to work.  However, Donald Trump campaigned on a pro-crypto platform, endorsing legislation such as the Lummis (R-WY) bill to create a “strategic reserve” for bitcoins…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

6 11, 2024

FedFin Assessment: Trump II Financial-Policy Outlook

2024-11-06T10:55:18-05:00November 6th, 2024|The Vault|

Given the likelihood of a Trump win, we turn in this report to our outlook for federal financial policy in a very different Administration than the one that has set it for the last four years.  We will refine this outlook when final tallies determine Congressional control, but slim margins will dog both parties and thus significantly complicate the legislative outlook.  Congress, like the White House, will also be preoccupied with nomination battles, immigration, geopolitical risk, and acute fiscal-policy challenges in areas such as the new president’s budget, planned tax breaks, and tariffs.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.


25 09, 2024

FedFin on: DOJ Bank-Merger Policy

2024-09-25T15:37:45-04:00September 25th, 2024|The Vault|

In conjunction with final merger-policy statements from the FDIC and OCC, the Department of Justice (DOJ) released “commentary” expanding on how the 2023 guidelines it issued along with the Federal Trade Commission expressly apply to bank mergers.  The DOJ’s commentary and that from the other banking agencies revise merger policy last set in 1995.  However, the Fed has yet to do so or even clarify how all of these actions affect its approach beyond a statement earlier this year that the FRB was working with other agencies and a more recent answer from Vice Chair Barr that he is content with Fed policy as it stands…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

16 09, 2024

Karen Petrou: What’s Next for the Capital Rewrite

2024-09-16T11:24:36-04:00September 16th, 2024|The Vault|

Few, if any, regulatory agencies are omniscient.  More than a few think they are, but more often than not regulators who fail quickly to see the error of at least some of their ways are regulators who lose a lot more than they might otherwise have lost.  Which brings us to the capital proposal and what next befalls this troubled standard after Michael Barr’s belated recognition that something had to give.

In the near term, we’ll see action by the FRB, FDIC, and OCC to clear a revised proposal along with the Fed’s quantitative impact survey for another round of public comment.  I have to believe Fed Vice Chair Barr cleared the revisions he previewed last week with his allies at the OCC and FDIC and is confident that the Fed board will mostly agree with him up to the point of issuing a reproposal, if no further.  As a result, a reproposal Mr. Barr said will amount to about 450 pages will soon be upon us.

Is this the last word?  Having relearned humility the hard way, Mr. Barr promises it is not.  What else might have to change to get a final U.S. version of Basel’s end-game standards across the goal line?

I would guess a lot more than would have been the case had the Fed and other tough-rule advocates more quickly recognized policy and political reality.  One key, if seemingly-technical, point on which to give is the pesky “output floor.”  Basel imposed the output floor because …

9 09, 2024

Karen Petrou: Workers’ Rights and Merger Wrongs

2024-09-09T13:28:07-04:00September 9th, 2024|The Vault|

In all the fuss and fury over banking-agency merger policy, many have missed a consequential late-August announcement from other U.S. antitrust authorities laying out how workers’ rights will drive merger approvals.  This follows 2023 guidelines from the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission retracting the old price criterion by which consumer welfare has long been judged in favor  of policies taken factors such as network effects and “soft” market power fully into account.  The guidelines addressed workers’ rights, but the new agreement adds sharp, sharp teeth.  Thus, it’s clear that Administration policy is focused on economic justice along with its tough stand on monopolization.  Bankers take warning:  operational-integration rationales now cut two ways when it comes to merger approval.

To be sure, bankers are used to one economic-justice criterion when it comes to merger approval: those requiring consideration of customer “convenience and needs” based in large part on how this is demanded of them under the Community Reinvestment Act.  Banks planning an acquisition thus typically accompany an offer with a massive CRA pledge promising more loans to low-and-moderate individuals and communities, affordable-housing investments, and the like.

This won’t cut it under the pending merger-policy rewrites from the OCC and FDIC, but these proposals generally do not replace CRA-style approval criteria.  Instead, they beef them up, with the FDIC’s policy most notably (and dubiously) requiring acquirers to prove that communities not only will be better served, but also better served than if each bank remained independent.

However, the FDIC also …

12 08, 2024

FedFin on: Deposit Composition and Risk

2024-08-12T16:40:54-04:00August 12th, 2024|The Vault|

In conjunction with its proposal to take a far tougher stand on brokered deposits, the FDIC is seeking information on the configuration of U.S. bank deposits that cannot be discerned from current call report data.  If these data persuade the FDIC and other agencies to act, then call-report data could be far more extensive and impose greater market discipline, FDIC premiums could be redesigned, pressure would grow for reliance on core deposits and FHLB advances, and FDIC-coverage reform might gain renewed Congressional attention.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.


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