23 09, 2024

Karen Petrou: The New Bank-Regulatory Paradigm We Need

2024-09-23T11:58:35-04:00September 23rd, 2024|The Vault|

On Friday, we posted a client alert to a new Federal Reserve study that, to put it succinctly, overturns received wisdom about what makes banks fail.  It is a paradigm-busting analysis based on solid, validated, empirical evidence, not on the models notoriously replete with assumptions that suit a researcher’s fancy or whomever backs the work.  This study’s main finding is that, even before the advent of federal deposit insurance, bank failure is due to and reliably predicted by growing bank insolvency – not illiquidity – at otherwise-solvent banks and generally not even by runs at very weak banks.  Depositors and, worse, supervisors are demonstrably slow to catch on to emerging risk, with depositors understandably subject to information asymmetries and supervisors inexcusably distracted, confused, or even captive.  Policy should not be based on one study, but this one study warrants immediate attention backed as it is by many others and replete with damning data analyzed with a straightforward methodology using records going back to 1986.  Now would be a very good time to take heed – banking agencies in 2024 are building yet another regulatory edifice to compensate for yet another round of critical supervisory lapses.  This may well prove as doomed as its predecessors unless regulators stop blaming banks after failure for bad behavior well within supervisory sight and reach long before indisposition turned terminal.

Importantly, I am not saying that this study proves there is no need for capital or liquidity regulation just as our new merger-policy study does …

30 11, 2023

FedFin on: FHA’s Mission and Mishaps

2023-11-30T14:04:44-05:00November 30th, 2023|The Vault|

A new FRB-NY study confirms that 83% of loans from 2000-2022 went to first-time homebuyers, compared to 56% for the GSEs and 57% for private lenders. FHA loans of course have very high LTVs and low scores, with scores improving after 2008 when the PLS market stopped adversely selected FHA even though over half of FHA loans still have scores under 680. FHA sustainability has varied based on these and other factors, but 21.8% of borrowers from 2011-2016 still lost their homes.

The full report is available to subscription clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here.…

10 04, 2023

Karen Petrou: Why the Fed is a Repeat Offender

2023-04-10T17:29:46-04:00April 10th, 2023|The Vault|

As we noted in a recent report, a divided Congress that may not even be able to keep the U.S. Government in business is one unlikely to enact substantive financial reform.  Thus, we’re in for yet another episode of political damage control, regulatory excuses, and a few heads on enforcement spikes without meaningful, measurable, and accountable supervisory reform.  Been there, done that, had another financial crash, or so my dispiriting read of recent efforts to force post-crash supervisory reform makes all too clear.  It’s probably too much to ask that Congress not flit off to the next election before it ensures meaningful regulatory-agency accountability for manifold supervisory lapses, but if it does what it usually does, then we are doomed to more crashes with worse consequences unless it and the White House force the Fed to do what it’s never done before:  meaningfully and transparently improve supervisory rigor and enforcement might.

In my memo three weeks ago, I showed how regulators by 2001 had failed to act on the lessons of the 1980s and 1990s before the largest bank failure at the time presaged the great financial crisis hot on its heels.  After the GFC, the U.S. convened the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC).  When it issued its report in 2011, it drew scathing conclusions not only about all the “light-touch” regulation before the crash, but also supervisory unwillingness or inability to ensure that what rules there were were rules that were obeyed.

Despite this report and …

10 01, 2022

Karen Petrou: Senate Banking’s CBDC Questionnaire

2023-04-25T14:04:57-04:00January 10th, 2022|The Vault|

It’s certain that Jay Powell’s confirmation hearing will put him through the wringer on inflation, equality, “insider” trading, and the rules he’ll foster under the new vice chair for supervision.  This is enough to try even the most patient of souls, but there’s another issue senators should be sure to raise:  what’s taking the Fed so, so long to start its CBDC deliberations, let alone conclude them?

After initially dismissing the need for a U.S. central bank digital currency, Chairman Powell announced last May that the Board would seek public comment sometime that summer.  At about the same time, Gov. Brainard spoke about a possible CBDC construct and the Boston Fed announced a technical build-out project along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Innovation Hub also has CBDC ambitions.  Although Fed officials were quick to point out that none of these nor any of the subsequent high-profile papers commits the Fed to anything, work seemed well under way to join the dozens of other central banks convinced that CBDC is essential in the quick-digitization payment future clearly emerging outside the reach of central bankers.

What’s happened since the summer CBDC storm?  Not much.

Mr. Powell and other Fed officials at one point promised that the CBDC paper would come in September, but autumn came and went.  The Fed’s certainly been busy tidying up after its “transitory” inflation goof and ongoing macroeconomic challenges, but it neglects CBDC at its and our peril.

First, whether …

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