#least-cost test

25 03, 2024

Karen Petrou: How the FDIC Fails and Why It Matters So Much

2024-03-25T11:45:45-04:00March 25th, 2024|The Vault|

Last January, we sent a forecast of likely regulatory action and what I called a “philosophical reflection” on the contradiction between the sum total of rules premised on unstoppable taxpayer rescues and U.S. policy that no bank be too big to fail.  Much in our forecast is now coming into public view due to Chair Powell and Vice Chair Barr; more on that to come, but these rules like the proposals are still premised on big-bank blow-outs.  I thus turn here from the philosophical to the pragmatic when it comes to bank resolution, picking up on a stunning admission in the FDIC’s proposed merger policy to ponder what’s really next for U.S. banks regardless of what any of the agencies say will result from all the new rules.

Let me quote at some length from the FDIC’s proposed merger policy:

“In particular, the failure of a large IDI could present greater challenges to the FDIC’s resolution and receivership functions, and could present a broader financial stability threat. For various reasons, including their size, sources of funding, and other organizational complexities, the resolution of large IDIs can present significant risk to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF), as well as material operational risk for the FDIC. In addition, as a practical matter, the size of an IDI may limit the resolution options available to the FDIC in the event of failure.”

In short, the FDIC wants to block most big-bank mergers because it can’t ensure orderly resolution of a large insured depository …

12 01, 2023

FedFin on: Financial-Policy Consequences of Silvergate’s Travails

2023-01-12T11:04:34-05:00January 12th, 2023|The Vault|

Karen Petrou’s memo earlier this week and her comments to the American Banker about Silvergate have sparked many client questions.  In this report, we provide additional context for aspects of this bank’s condition with policy consequences.   High-profile cases such as this have a long history of suddenly shifting long-pending policies; depending on outcomes, this bank’s challenges and those of any other crypto-heavy banks will almost surely do so.  In general, the case already confirms U.S. regulators of the wisdom of additional capital for crypto-exposed banks along the lines recently finalized by global regulators (see FSM Report CRYPTO37).  However, it also raises significant questions about the role of the Federal Home Loan Banks, brokered deposits, resolution policy, and AOCI recognition – and these are just for starters as the bank struggles to stay afloat.

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

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