
17 10, 2023


2023-10-17T16:33:46-04:00October 17th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Bowman Opposes Global Unified Ledger, Cautious re Cross-Border CBDCs

FRB Gov. Bowman today sharply differed with BIS managing director Agustín Carstens on the future of central banks in wholesale payments.  Mr. Carstens as recently as three weeks ago pressed again for central bank “unified ledgers,” placing central banks wholly into payment streams not only for commercial banks, but also across most other payment, settlement, and clearing assets.

Basel Proposes Extensive Crypto Disclosure Templates

As anticipated, Basel released a consultative document today providing a standardized template for crypto exposure disclosures, with a proposed implementation date of January 31, 2025.  Basel proposes qualitative disclosures, including listing all crypto business activities, how they interact with the bank’s risk profile, the most significant current and emerging risks, and the bank’s approach to assessing classification conditions for group 1 cryptoassets.

Bipartisan Pressure Grows on White House for Iran, Other Sanctions

Led by Rep. Gottheimer (D-NJ), over one-hundred bipartisan lawmakers today sent a letter to President Biden calling for maximum enforcement of all U.S. Iran sanctions as well as immediate implementation of snapback sanctions on Iran at the UN Security Council.

Community-Bank Liquidity Shows Significant Stress

Providing worrisome data on small-bank resilience, a new community banking bulletin from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City finds that community banks have decreased their holdings of highly-liquid assets over the past year to fund what it calls “outsized” loan growth despite deposit run-off.


10 10, 2023


2023-10-10T16:46:21-04:00October 10th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Barr Stands Firm on Capital Rewrite

In remarks yesterday, Vice Chair Barr made it clear that, no matter all the industry and Republican pressure, the Fed believes the pending capital rewrite has no material problematic consequences and is necessitated by recent events.

FSB Calls for Continued Improvements in Cross-Border Payments

Following its cross-border payments roadmap, the FSB today released two progress reports finding that further work is needed in ensuring payment system interoperability, establishing common data standards for payments messages, developing tools needed for APIs, and providing a vehicle for the investigation of legal, regulatory and supervisory frameworks.

FSB Presses for Better Smaller-Bank, GSIB Resolvability

Following Basel’s review late last week on the 2023 crash (see Client Report REFORM228), the FSB today released its assessment of implications for GSIB resolution.  Basel’s report acknowledged challenges in this area, but largely focused on what we call Basel V.

Fed Finalizes DIHC Insurance-Capital Construct

As promised in the bank-capital proposals (see FSM Report CAPITAL230), the FRB Friday voted 6-0 to finalize long-pending standards for insurance-focused depository institution holding companies.

GOP Hikes Pressure on Iran Payment, Sanctions

Presaging likely HFSC hearings and delays in regular committee action, Ranking Member Scott (R-SC) today called for Secretary Yellen to testify in front of Senate Banking to explain why $6 billion is being released to Iran and to identify any sanctions gaps.

Bowman Pursues Barr, Array of Recent Fed Actions

Continuing her opposition to much of what Vice Chair Barr is doing, …

6 10, 2023

FedFin Assessment: Basel Lays Big Plans for Basel V

2023-10-06T14:47:18-04:00October 6th, 2023|The Vault|

As we noted yesterday, the Basel Committee’s October meeting concluded not only with plans for new disclosure consultations, but also a report on lessons learned from the 2023 crisis.  We have long considered the “end-game” standards so substantive as to constitute Basel IV; now, as this report details, Basel is laying plans for Basel V via new liquidity, interest-rate, capital, and structural changes to the current construct.  We thus focus on the supervisory and regulatory action steps Basel posits as necessary responses to the financial-market volatility sparked earlier this year by SVB, SBNY, FRC, and CS’s failures.  While Basel states that none of its recommendations necessarily presages near-term global standards, …

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

6 10, 2023


2023-10-06T11:45:12-04:00October 6th, 2023|5- Client Report|

FedFin Assessment: Basel Lays Big Plans for Basel V

As we noted yesterday, the Basel Committee’s October meeting concluded not only with plans for new disclosure consultations, but also a report on lessons learned from the 2023 crisis.  We have long considered the “end-game” standards so substantive as to constitute Basel IV; now, as this report details, Basel is laying plans for Basel V via new liquidity, interest-rate, capital, and structural changes to the current construct.  We thus focus on the supervisory and regulatory action steps Basel posits as necessary responses to the financial-market volatility sparked earlier this year by SVB, SBNY, FRC, and CS’s failures.  While Basel states that none of its recommendations necessarily presages near-term global standards, they warrant review not only as likely precursors to at least some new proposals, but also as guides to what is top of mind for national regulators beyond finalizing end-game capital rules and dealing with home-country matters such as resolvability.  If Basel proposes only some of the regulatory revisions it has in mind or, as the Fed clearly intends, the U.S. does so ahead of time, larger banks will face significant revisions to the LCR and NSFR, capital add-ons for interest-rate outliers, and express ring-fencing to prevent a CS repeat – i.e., a case in which the parent company met applicable standards but key subsidiaries fell far short.


29 09, 2023


2023-09-29T11:41:36-04:00September 29th, 2023|6- Client Memo|

How a Shut-Down Stokes Systemic Risk

Although there’s been some talk of what a government shut-down does to the SEC, there’s lots, lots more to worry about.  Risks are out there, risks that should be taken very, very seriously by the Members of Congress who seem to think that more chaos stokes their political fortunes.  Perhaps it does, but it could well do a lot of damage to their finances, not to mention those of all the voters who might well bear a reasonable grudge.


29 09, 2023

Karen Petrou: How a Shut-Down Stokes Systemic Risk

2023-09-29T11:41:22-04:00September 29th, 2023|The Vault|

Although there’s been some talk of what a government shut-down does to the SEC, there’s lots, lots more to worry about.  Risks are out there, risks that should be taken very, very seriously by the Members of Congress who seem to think that more chaos stokes their political fortunes.  Perhaps it does, but it could well do a lot of damage to their finances, not to mention those of all the voters who might well bear a reasonable grudge.

Where’s the systemic scary place?  Or, better said, places?  Some are right in front of us; others lurk in the closet waiting to pounce.

What worries me the most in the immediate future is the ability of bad actors to exploit what could be lightly- or even unguarded portals into critical financial market infrastructure.  There are of course many, many bad actors out there with the sophistication and/or state sponsorship quickly to test and then attack critical points in the payment, settlement, and clearing systems and/or the grids on which they rely.

As I discussed on Tuesday, not all providers of critical financial market infrastructure are under the hopefully-eagle eyes of the federal banking agencies which, funded outside federal appropriations, will remain open.  Some fall under the SEC or CFTC, agencies that will be hobbled, and some critical providers are wholly outside the regulatory perimeter.  Even if their nodes of market access seem small, disruption has a bad habit of migrating at lightning speed.  Even if power outages are …

21 09, 2023


2023-09-21T16:52:36-04:00September 21st, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Hill Stands by Opposition to Pending Rules, Presses for Holistic Liquidity Approach

Reflecting his votes on all of the recent proposals, FDIC Vice Chairman Hill today criticized recent rulemakings as an overreaction to March bank failures and urged regulators to carefully consider the proposals’ aggregate effects amid uncertain economic conditions.  Although he reiterated his general support for the LTD proposal (see FSM Report TLAC9), Mr. Hill argued that the FDIC should focus more on regional bank resolvability via a weekend sale.  He also pushed for a more holistic approach to liquidity requirements, arguing that they should be more durable for a wider range of stress events and better reflect bank behavior in times of stress.


19 09, 2023


2023-09-19T18:11:29-04:00September 19th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

FSB Finally Takes Concrete CCP-Resolution Action

Following longstanding announcements that it would advance CCP resolvability, the FSB today released a consultative report recommending a toolbox approach to CCP resolution providing sufficient loss absorption and liquidity that is readily available and mitigates adverse effects on financial stability.

Treasury Advances Climate-Risk Principles, Not Mandates

Cautiously advancing the President’s climate-risk order (see FSM Report GREEN8), Treasury today released nine nonbinding principles for net-zero financing and investment encouraging financial institutions to focus on limiting scope 3 emissions by implementing robust net-zero transition plans.

CFPB Expands AI Crackdown

Expanding on last year’s adverse action guidance (see FSM Report FAIRLEND11), the CFPB today issued a circular stating that lenders – especially those using AI – cannot use CFPB sample adverse actions forms and checklists to deny consumers credit if the samples do not accurately portray the reasoning behind the denial.

HFSC Republicans Expand Attack From Capital to LTD Rules

Today’s HFSC Financial Institutions Subcommittee hearing on the economic consequences of the banking agencies’ slate of recent proposals showcased strong Republican concerns.


12 09, 2023


2023-09-12T17:19:22-04:00September 12th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

GHOS Presses Basel Action on Lessons Learned

Basel’s group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS) met yesterday, listing strong bank risk management and governance arrangements, effective supervision, and the need for a robust regulatory framework as the primary lessons it learned from this year’s banking turmoil.  GHOS also pressed its members to finalize their Basel III reforms, noting that most plan to implement them by the end of 2024.

Gensler Takes Swing-Pricing, AI Fire

At today’s Senate Banking hearing with SEC Chairman Gensler, Democrats largely defended the pace and scope of recent SEC work while Republicans criticized the agency for rulemakings they said were ideologically driven and inadequately analyzed.  Chairman Brown (D-OH) applauded the SEC’s crypto enforcement actions and encouraged it to examine broker and investment adviser use of AI.  Ranking Member Scott (R-SC) and several other Republicans sharply criticized Mr. Gensler for what they said was his lack of transparency and responsiveness to congressional inquiries.


8 09, 2023


2023-09-08T16:06:25-04:00September 8th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Barr Backs Away from CBDC, Stands Firm vs. Stablecoins

FRB Vice Chair Barr today for the first time sided firmly with Chair Powell in approaching CBDCs with caution, if at all.  Mr. Barr also emphasized not only that the Fed will not proceed with a CBDC without Executive Branch approval, but also now says that it would require “authorizing legislation,” not just Congressional “approval.”

Examining CBDC and Wholesale Payments

The FDIC today released an internal – but not necessarily independent – review of First Republic’s failure, largely saying that FDIC supervisory staff could have done better identifying emerging risks without strongly criticizing actions ahead of the bank’s collapse.  This is blamed on factors evident at the time: e.g., rapid growth, poor liquidity and interest-rate risk management.

Fed Study: CBDC Unnecessary for Successful Wholesale Tokenization

As JPMorgan and other companies continue to advance wholesale digital payments and Chair Powell has suggested (see Client Report FEDERALRESERVE73) that he may be open to wholesale CBDC, a new Fed staff study finds that tokenized wholesale payment systems do not require a new form of central-bank money.


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