#open banking

19 10, 2023


2023-10-19T16:30:42-04:00October 19th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

OIG Blasts FDIC’s Crypto-Policy Delay

Late yesterday, the FDIC’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report critical of the FDIC’s supervisory crypto policy.

Fed May Signal Possible Compromise as GOP Barr Demands Capital Answers

Amid press reports that Chair Powell has implicitly promised capital-rule compromise, HFSC Financial Institutions Chair Barr (R-KY) released a letter today pressing Vice Chair Barr still harder on the cost-benefit analytical (CBA) and cumulative-impact issues raised at the September hearing at which Karen Petrou testified.

Fed Data Show Increases in Household Financial Resilience, Profound Home-Affordability Gap

The Federal Reserve yesterday released its triennial Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF).  As always, we here highlight data with financial-policy implications; Petrou blogs and other releases will update economic-equality indicators.

BIS Head Calls for Review of Large Bank Supervision

BIS General Manager Agustin Carstens today said that the mid-March failures show the need for nations to review how they supervise larger banks, specifically highlighting liquidity risk and setting frameworks for emergency liquidity assistance.

OCC Analysis Shows Broad IRR Resilience With Startling Risk Pockets

Showing some pockets of severe risk but overall resilience, the OCC today released a statistical analysis of interest rate risk based on projected changes in twelve-month net interest income as well as the economic value of equity in parallel interest rate shock scenarios ranging from -200 basis points to +400 bps.

CFPB Thinks Big on Open Banking

As anticipated, the CFPB today advanced from a review of consumer data rights (see FSM Report

19 04, 2023


2023-04-19T17:26:14-04:00April 19th, 2023|2- Daily Briefing|

Hsu Treads Carefully Into Open Banking

In remarks today, Acting Comptroller Hsu highlighted the liquidity, cybersecurity, and even structural challenges that may arise from open banking.  He argues that account portability may lead to heightened retail deposit liquidity risk and increased retail outflows, noting that online and mobile banking may well have facilitated the large outflows experienced by SVB and SBNY.  Banks could require new cyber-risk controls due to the increase in volume and complexity of consumer data.

Chopra Expands Anti-Discrimination Campaign

Under heavy fire today from a staff data breach, CFPB Director Chopra nonetheless emphasized the agency’s strong stand against credit discrimination.  Building on a recent statement of interest in a filing related to student loan litigation, the Bureau is now not only combatting traditional forms of discrimination, but also the targeting Mr. Chopra describes as reverse redlining across the spectrum of consumer-finance products and every contact point in the credit origination, servicing, marketing, and technology process.


4 11, 2022

FedFin: Consumer Data Rights

2022-11-04T15:47:45-04:00November 4th, 2022|The Vault|

Beginning a long-awaited rulemaking process on the extent to which consumers have rights to their own data and how these rights may be exercised, the CFPB is seeking views on an array of ideas and questions to guide future action.  This outline is essentially an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) in which the Bureau outlines its initial thinking on key questions such as the extent to which screen-scraping should be allowed, whether new security standards are needed, and when consumers are at risk…

The full report is available to retainer clients. To find out how you can sign up for the service, click here and here.…

4 11, 2022


2022-11-04T10:36:30-04:00November 4th, 2022|1- Financial Services Management|

Consumer Data Rights

Beginning a long-awaited rulemaking process on the extent to which consumers have rights to their own data and how these rights may be exercised, the CFPB is seeking views on an array of ideas and questions to guide future action.  This outline is essentially an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) in which the Bureau outlines its initial thinking on key questions such as the extent to which screen-scraping should be allowed, whether new security standards are needed, and when consumers are at risk and the rights and remedies they have following a decision to open their personal data to parties other than the entity that holds key accounts.


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